Tuesday, January 13, 2009

About me

From About me on my myspace...

I love my God, my savior, my family, the people of the world, my country and myself. I love gadgets, Wikipedia, getting old; sometimes I hate it, bittersweet memories, cub scouting, BSA, photography and art. Ministry, helping people. Knowing God will always love me no matter what.

He is my father I never had, my friend who will never give up on me or my life and the closest person to me on this planet. His planet. I believe He’s coming back soon.
I believe people think were crazy for loving a God of sovereignty. I wish everyone would get saved. I believe we will see His day and be redeemed.

That’s a little about me, there is a lot more.

Love is strong, solid and true love is true in all absolute senses of the word.

Love has the power of undergoing all things, having faith in all things, hoping in all things. True love bears all things, it believes all things and it hopes in light of all things, it suffers long and is patient.

It is content and yet finds joy even in adversity. Love is incredible and the power of it unexplainable.

It is effective and lively. It is tough; it is not dismayed by work or working towards a goal or objective. Perfect Love will not be struck off course. It is steadfast.

It enjoys the good and fights against the bad. It overcomes evil.

We are not perfect, but Love in its truest form is perfect. It will always prevail.

Jesus could be so strong and yet gentle. He was never afraid although sometimes drained. He was exhausted yet continued on. He was not scared of the most powerful men of his day. Nor was he afraid to face his adversaries with great restraint.

The true sense of power seems to be mercy. It was His love and mercy that made him choose the cross rather than escape. He was simply strong through His love.

Love is the greatest thing. Love is the express will of God. In one word Jesus.

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